Phosphorus Sorption following the Application of Charcoal and Sago (Metroxylon sagu) Bark Ash to Acid Soils


Osumanu Haruna Ahmed, . and Pisva Divra Johan, . and Aainaa Hasbullah, . (2022) Phosphorus Sorption following the Application of Charcoal and Sago (Metroxylon sagu) Bark Ash to Acid Soils. pp. 1-15.


Acidic cations such as Al, Fe, and Mn tend to fix P in soils, and this reaction make Punavailable for plant uptake. Several conventional strategies for farmers had been proposed toameliorate Al toxicity either via liming or continuous P fertilization. However, these approachesare not only expensive but are also environmental unfriendly. Thus, a sorption study was carriedout using charcoal and sago bark ash as soil amendments to determine their effects on P sorptioncharacteristics of low pH soils. Phosphorus sorption determination was based on standard proceduresand the P adsorption data for the samples tested in this study were fitted to the Langmuir equation.The results suggest that the combined use of charcoal and sago bark ash decreased P adsorptionand increased P desorption relative to the untreated soils. Organic matter in the charcoal reduced Psorption by providing more negatively charged surfaces, thus increasing anion repulsion. Apart fromincreasing the amount of P adsorbed in the soil, the use of the sago bark ash increased the amount ofP desorbed because the primary reaction between the sago bark ash and soils is an acid neutralizationreaction. These improvements do not only reduce P fixation in acid soils but they also promote theeffective utilization of nutrients via the timely release of nutrients for maximum crop production.In conclusion, the incorporation of charcoal and sago bark ash to the soil had a positive effect onreplenishing the soil solution’s P. The organic matter of the charcoal reduces P sorption capacityby blocking P binding sites, increasing the negative electric potential in the plane of adsorption,causing steric hindrance on the mineral surfaces and decreasing goethite and hematite-specific surfaceareas. However, there is a need for the inclusion of more soil chemical, physical, and mineralogicalproperties in predicting soil P sorption to enhance the reliability of the findings.

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Acidic cations such as Al, Fe, and Mn tend to fix P in soils, and this reaction make Punavailable for plant uptake. Several conventional strategies for farmers had been proposed toameliorate Al toxicity either via liming or continuous P fertilization. However, these approachesare not only expensive but are also environmental unfriendly. Thus, a sorption study was carriedout using charcoal and sago bark ash as soil amendments to determine their effects on P sorptioncharacteristics of low pH soils. Phosphorus sorption determination was based on standard proceduresand the P adsorption data for the samples tested in this study were fitted to the Langmuir equation.The results suggest that the combined use of charcoal and sago bark ash decreased P adsorptionand increased P desorption relative to the untreated soils. Organic matter in the charcoal reduced Psorption by providing more negatively charged surfaces, thus increasing anion repulsion. Apart fromincreasing the amount of P adsorbed in the soil, the use of the sago bark ash increased the amount ofP desorbed because the primary reaction between the sago bark ash and soils is an acid neutralizationreaction. These improvements do not only reduce P fixation in acid soils but they also promote theeffective utilization of nutrients via the timely release of nutrients for maximum crop production.In conclusion, the incorporation of charcoal and sago bark ash to the soil had a positive effect onreplenishing the soil solution’s P. The organic matter of the charcoal reduces P sorption capacityby blocking P binding sites, increasing the negative electric potential in the plane of adsorption,causing steric hindrance on the mineral surfaces and decreasing goethite and hematite-specific surfaceareas. However, there is a need for the inclusion of more soil chemical, physical, and mineralogicalproperties in predicting soil P sorption to enhance the reliability of the findings.

Additional Metadata

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Item Type: Article
AGROVOC Term: charcoal
AGROVOC Term: sago
AGROVOC Term: sago palms > sago palms Prefer using MetroxylonMetroxylon
AGROVOC Term: organic acids
AGROVOC Term: soil acidity > soil acidity Prefer using soil pHsoil pH
AGROVOC Term: biochemical compounds
AGROVOC Term: grassland soils
AGROVOC Term: sustainable agriculture
AGROVOC Term: urban agriculture
AGROVOC Term: palm oil industries
Geographical Term: Malaysia
Depositing User: Ms. Siti Sunarti Waini Osman
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2024 07:53
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2024 07:53

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